See and Hear About Using the Doff n Donner to Put on Compresson Stockings

Today I am writing about what one of my client calls “her daily struggle.”
If wearing compression socks is one of your struggles, have I got a tip for you!
Compression socks are described by Wikepedia as the following:

“Compression stockings are a specialized hosiery, designed to help prevent the occurrence of, and guard against further progression of venous disorders such as edemaphlebitis and thrombosis. Compression stockings are elastic garments worn around the leg, compressing the limb.’

“This reduces the diameter of distended veins and causes an increase in venous blood flow velocity and valve effectiveness. Compression therapy helps decrease venous pressure, prevents venous stasis and impairments of venous walls, and relieves heavy and aching legs.”

Some venous disorders cause a person to wear a very high gauge stocking, which is difficult to put on, and remove at the end of the day.

A client was willing to try a new product called “Doff N' Donner.”
(Doff 'N Donner is distributed in New Zealand by New Zealand Medical & Scientific Ltd)
The company claims, along with their website video convinced my client to give it a try. Here is their claim:
“The revolutionary Doff N’ Donner is a unique device that allows you to easily ‘don’ (put on) and ‘doff’ (take off) compression socks and stockings.
Its unique ‘toroid’ shape conforms to the shape of the garment rather than the garment being stretched to it. This allows the compression garments to roll over bandages, freshly lotioned or wet limbs and dressings.
The Doff N' Donner is perfect for both self-donning and caregiver use.

The item is a small, soft doughnut shape, filled with leak proof fluid, that allows you to guide compression sock over your leg quickly and easily. The “Donning Cone” makes rolling stockings on to the “Doff N' Donner” easy when ready to roll onto your leg.

What was once a daily struggle for my client is no longer!  Although we had a few laughs over the shape of the device, it really does work.  Prior to this, when anyone helped her with her stockings, it hurt her, but now with this device, they roll on in a matter of seconds.  You can also use this to roll them back off.  
I highly recommend this product.  Like learning most anything new and unfamiliar, using Doff and Donner will take a little practice in the beginning, but once mastered it works like a dream.
Check it out for yourself at the following website:  
The company and Amazon carry them.            
--Stephanie Carignan, Private Home Care, Inc.

                                                                                                Belfast, Maine  04915
