The days are getting longer but the cold weather is holding strong! Here in Maine we hunker down and hold strong to the thought that March 20 the first day of spring is just around the corner! The winter wonderland will fall to the side and make way for Spring to rise. In the meantime, we still have to be on the lookout for a few cold weather things that will hold on longer than the snow.
In Maine alone, we have had 3 school districts, confirm that whooping cough has struck their schools. Private Home Care, Inc. may take care of the elderly but with 3 districts confirming whooping cough outbreaks, we get nervous! Most of our clients have a weakened immune system and must protect themselves from whooping cough. We all love to see our children and grandchildren but if they're sick keep them home. Your loved ones will understand that you aren’t avoiding them just keeping them safe. Grammy and Grandpa's bodies can't handle the harsh whooping cough that will plague them if they catch it.
Whooping cough (Pertussis) affects children under 12 months of age the worse but all children, people with weakened immune systems and the elderly can be affected. Whooping cough is serious and can cause pneumonia, seizures, and even death; not something anyone should be taking chances with! One of the hardest things about whooping cough is that after you get it you are contagious for 21 days! Unless you go on antibiotics at which point you are only contagious for 5 days. Be sure to talk to your doctor if/when you become infected with Whooping cough to know when you should resume regular activity.
Remember that the sooner you start on an antibiotic the sooner you can resume your daily living. No one wants to be sick or make other sick; so, let’s talk about what we can do to keep this horrible whooping cough at bay!
If exposed to someone with Whooping Cough you can go to your doctor and receive preventative antibiotics. It will be up to the doctor’s discretion if they feel it appropriate to give out antibiotics. Personally, I like to prevent needing antibiotics in general, so here are some things I do to keep whooping cough and other viruses at bay. If I need to be around someone who is sick, I wear a mask. At public places, I use disinfected wipes to wipe down things like the grocery carts or the bathroom door handle before I use it. I also wash my hands all the time! One of the best ways to kill germs fast is simply washing your hands under running water!
Be sure to try and stay healthy for the last stretch of this winter, and enjoy the winter wonderland that we have at our doorways right now!
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