Be kind

Like mother like daughter, or maybe not….

    Some of us grow up wanting to be just like our mothers and then some of us grow up using or mothers as examples of what not to do! It's funny how everyone has an option and that so few people can see things from the other side. My mother was an amazing woman who raised me to see both sides of a situation. Most of the time I love my ability to see where someone else is coming from. Knowing I don’t know their whole story or what happened to make them lash out; there could be other things happening to cause their lash out. Other times I wish I was not so understanding and just be mad at someone! But that’s not my way, no matter how frustrating it may be to see the gray instead of just black and white I still see gray.

    Can you look past your anger or fear and try to put yourself in their shoes? Can you try to see things from the other person point of view? It’s not easy to let go of your own feelings and allow yourself to be open to another person, especially when that other person is saying or doing things that make you want to punch them in the face! I encourage you to take a moment and try to push aside your feelings of anger and put yourself in their shoes.

   The older I get the more I can see things from another person’s perspective. It's not always nice and it’s not always easy but it is always important. Be kind to one another, not matter some one’s color, age, background, religious preference or political views…Just be kind! 
Look past black and white....see gray
